Kind of feel like I'm falling apart right now. First off, don't be surprised. If you talk to me regularly, you know I'm not at the top of my game, and am feeling pretty shitty about it. Do you ever feel like the world is ganging up on you? Like you can't catch a break? Well, 2013 has been my pitfall so far. But, I guess it's early in the year still. My days are long and lonely, and I feel like I'm grasping at straws right now. I'll keep fighting though. Fighting for some sort of contentment.
So, the bright side? Ha, bright side. Right now, it's hard to see. But, this is not the worst I've ever felt. Silver lining, right? At least with what I've been through, I can honestly say 'This is not the worst I've experienced.' However, doesn't mean a girl doesn't panic and doubt herself in the worst possible way. I find that I become very quiet when I'm doubting myself. I withdraw. Probably so I can focus on crawling out of the hole. Maybe because when you're down, being alone makes sense.
I guess this is where I ask the universe for a break? I need a break of some sort. Or maybe this is some sort of awful test, the one I missed out on picking up the study guide. I have to figure something out. I'll figure something out. I've managed this far, right? I'll find my way. Whether crawling or walking, I keep on keeping on.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Shed Their Fear
First and foremost, sorry about not getting a blog up quicker, I've had some personal issues, but don't we all.
Speaking of personal issues, I'm facing a few myself right now. Life gets hard, doesn't it? You make big choices in your life and things don't go as planned, and we panic and try our hardest to readjust those plans and sometimes we fail, over and over again, and no matter what, those beatings suck, don't they? But we keep trying. Because that's what life is about.
But every once in a while, some of us strong-willed, happy-go-lucky people fall completely down the rabbit hole and hit our bottom. For whatever reason, whether we're willing to share, whether it was public knowledge, or whether new people in your life simply think you become nuts and depressed every so often (especially for a few days out a certain month here or there), some of us have a hard time. We all know that. The past sneaks up on us sometimes and we can't quite shake it at times like we can other times. I'm in one of those moments now.

There is a logical part of our brain that says words such as: 'this too shall pass,' and 'there are so many things to look forward to in life,' and 'you just have to let go and let g--.' I've heard them all and then some. In fact, if you've suffered a loss, you have too, correct?
I am a logical person. I know these things. I know bad things happen to a lot of people. It's taken me a long time to understand that bad things don't necessarily always happen to bad people (can't thank my catholic upbringing for that!). Logic has taught me that sometimes bad things just happen. As I learned from many people, pretty sure my dad was the first to teach me this gem (if you don't know this by now, you should: SHIT HAPPENS.) Bad things happen to good people. Not claiming I'm good, I'm certainly NOT a good person, by any means, but I'm NOT bad.

January 27-29 are difficult and the only tangible want I crave is a hug. A squeeze-the-near-life-out of me hug. But even in the big city of Chicago, I'm not going to ask anyone for that. It's unbecoming and no one should ever have to ask for it. I've learned to not worry about being touched.
I know I'm in a rough spot right now, but what you need to know is this:
I appreciate the little things. I truly do. I go out. I have FANTASTIC friends up here. I laugh a lot and I laugh hard. I love hanging out. I love my music. I still dance and act silly and sing (well, try to sing). Music and books are my favorites. I love teasing people, always will. I look forward to movies. I want to hang around my friends and have drinks. I want to write a book (even though every time I try, I stall, scared of what will come out.) It's a different life I planned, but life never goes according to plan.
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